Student Course Scheduling Information
This page contains all the information pertaining to the course selection process for the 2025-2026 school year. Resources below are designed to assist in the course selection process. It is important to select courses of interest as the master schedule is built based on student course selections, which determine the courses offered, number of sections available, and the periods in which they are scheduled. This process ensures that as many course requests as possible are accommodated within the 9-period day.
The updated Course Selection Booklet for 2025-2026 contains information about the courses offered, prerequisites, and credit.
Each course offered at the JSHS has a syllabus that outlines the timeline of units, content taught, and grading policies.
The Course Selection Sheets provide two documents. The first document lists classes available for the identified cohort of students. The second document provides sample schedules for the associated grade level. Utilize the course sheets to identify courses of interest and what a 9-period day may look like for next school year. Note that the list of periods is to create a sample of a day and not a determining factor of what period classes will be.
If you have any questions pertaining to the scheduling process or courses offered, please feel free to contact the main office at the school at 724-746-1400.