
Chartiers-Houston School District fully understands and supports the vital role of our parent and building volunteers. In the interest of students and children throughout the Commonwealth, legislation was passed in 2014 (Act 153) and 2015 (Act 15) mandating background clearances for school employees and unpaid volunteers.

Per Board Policy 916, an adult, whose role is more than that of a visitor, who voluntarily offers a service to the district without receiving compensation from the district. A volunteer is not a school employee.

Please refer to the Board Policy for specific definitions and guidelines. Also, general guidelines and criteria for Volunteer Clearances is provided in the PA Department of Human Services publication ‘Volunteer Frequently Asked Questions’.

To become a Volunteer with the District, please complete all 4 of the required clearances noted below: 

  1. DPW Child Abuse Clearance (Act 151) -   

    • If you completed this clearance with another organization less than 1 year ago, we can accept a copy of the results.

  2. PA State Police Criminal Background Check (Act 34)

    • If you completed this clearance with another organization less than 1 year ago, we can accept a copy of the results.

  3. FBI Fingerprinting Check (Service Code: 1KG6ZJ) - $22.60

    • If you completed this clearance / volunteer affidavit with another organization less than 1 year ago, we can accept a copy of the results.

  4. Mandated Reporter: Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse (Act 126.1) -

    • In accordance with Board Policy 916, all "direct contact" volunteers "shall attend orientation and training sessions, as appropriate to the nature of their volunteer service."

    • To meet this requirement, the District directs all new volunteers to complete the 3 hour, online training offered by the University of Pittsburgh and the PA Child Welfare Resource Center. 

    • Registration is required to access this video. Once completed, the training portal will grant a certificate of completion which should be printed and presented to the building principal or Administrator overseeing your area of activity. 

    • If you completed this clearance with another organization less than 5 years ago, we can accept a copy of the results.

TB (Tuberculosis) Testing

Per Board Policy 916, the District adheres to the PA Department of Health guideline of 10 hours per week as the threshold for volunteer TB testing. 

  • If your volunteer activities entail 10 or more hours per week of direct contact with children, you are required to have a TB test.

  • In addition, if you will be acting as a chaperone or assistant on an overnight or extended trip with students, you are also required to have a TB test.

  • Please direct any questions you might have regarding your specific activity and need for testing to your building principal or the District Human Resources Department.

 Any other, specific questions not answered by this resource should be directed to either the building administrator where you would like to volunteer or the District Office.

Thank you for your interest in and support of Chartiers-Houston School District!